Servidor Actualizado 2015/03/15

Arregadas quest: Saving Yenniku, Tooga’s_Quest, The Lodestone, wing commander gryphongar, The Essence of Enmity, Razormaw, Parts for the Job, Kor’Kron Flare Gun, Wildhammer Flare Gun, Ghost-o-plasm Round Up, Prayer to Elune, The Escape, Collecting Kelp, Disrupt Their Reinforcements, Take the letter,A Crew Under Fire . Y multiples visuales.

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Servidor Actualizado 2015/02/20

Arregladas quest: Escape through force, Special Delivery to Shattrath City, Nothing But The Truth, Stop the Plague, Fury of the Frostborn King, The Howling Vale, Learning to Communicate, The reckoning, Vyletongue Corruption. Utgarde Keep es mas blizzlike. Añadidos multiples visuales por el mundo.  

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Servidor Actualizado 2015/02/15

Arreglada quests Mission: Plague This, Finding the Phylactery, Gammothra the Tormentor, By Fire Be Purged, Becoming a Shadoweave Tailor, Street «Cred», Will of the Titans, Delivering the Message, The Black Knight’s Fall, Whispers of the Raven God,  Root samples, Death from below, Fervor of the Frostborn, Blueleaf Tubers. Añadidos multiples visuales por el mundo.

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Servidor Actualizado 2015/02/10

Arreglado The Brewmaiden, Tiny Snowman. Gundrak, Halls of Stone, Halls of Lighting, Maraudon, Mellichar, Ru’zah, Emissary of Hate, Irespeaker, Millhouse Manastorm y Antu’sul  son mas Blizzlike. Arregladas quests DB/Quest: Minshina’s Skull, Honor the Fallen, Digging for Prayer Beads, A Friendly Chat, A Hearty Thanks!, Mission: Plague This. Añadido visuales a  Caretaker Dilandrus. Arregladas algunas puertas de Scholomance. Añadidos multiples visuales en Tundra Boreal.

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Servidor Actualizado 2014/12/30

Nexus es ahora mas blizzlike. Añadidos multiples visuales a Dalaran, Storm Peaks y Hellfire Peninsula. Arreglada quests Heart of Hakkar, Red Snapper – Very Tasty!, A Spirit Guide. Añadidos varios npcs en Storm Peaks, Dalaran y Torneo Argenta. Death grip no se podra usar saltando o cayendo ni a menos de 8 yardas de distancia. Arreglado Flame Leviatan en Ulduar.

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