Como todo el mundo sabe, desde el 7 de Diciembre de 2010 está disponible la nueva expansión Cataclismo (Cataclysm). dicha expansión introduce cambios enormes en el sistema de funcionamiento del juego a nivel servidor-cliente que de momento, no es posible emular en NINGÚN servidor privado.
La única recomendación que podemos trasladar desde el equipo de Reinos de Leyenda es que NO se actualice a Cataclismo ni a ninguna versión del cliente superior a 3.3.5a.
Quien juegue en el oficial y quiera jugar en Reinos de Leyenda también, deberá tener dos copias independientes y separadas del juego, una con la versión 3.3.5a para Reinos de Leyenda y otra con la versión actualizada correspondiente al oficial.
No hay fecha estimada de cuando se podrá pasar a WoW 4, ni siquiera si se sabe se podrá pasar, Blizzard ha complicado muchísimo las cosas para desarrollar servidores privados basados en la versión 4 del WoW.
La explicación técnica de los desarrolladores de trinity sobre los problemas que plantea la actualización a versión 4: One might argue that it’s simply a new and innovative serialization platform, but I do believe
there’s more to it. With BNet, they switched to SRP-6a (as opposed to SRP-6) and now use SHA-256,
rather than SHA-1. also uses a VM for (de)serialization, and bit streams to read/write the
serialized data. Furthermore, packets don’t contain a length in their header, making parsing
rather annoying. Why not just stick to SRP-6 and SHA-1, why not just stick to byte streams? I think it’s
rather obvious that some of these changes were made to kill private servers (think; a private server storing
account passwords with SHA-1 would now have to somehow switch to SHA-256 (which, by the way, Blizzard
did with the “ conversions”)). To top it off, it would be lots of fun if they removed Grunt while
they’re at it.
Randomized opcodes: Speaks for itself.
Direct opcode handler assignments: In the 4.x client, opcode handlers are being assigned directly to the
internal handler array in NetClient, rather than through NetClient__RegisterMessageHandler and
ClientServices__RegisterMessageHandler. Again, an obvious move to make it harder to spot opcode handlers.
Obfuscation: is now obfuscated – obvious move against emulation, again. Who knows, maybe
that’ll hit the game executable too?
Streamed client patches: Makes it hard to work against a specific patch, which we’ve been able to do so far.
While this one also serves as a general improvement to their patching model, it’s also a change that will
make emulation very uncoordinated.
Circular debugging: See here. This is a means of preventing debuggers from attaching to the process.
Disclaimer: The above points represent my speculations solely.
I really have no idea what Blizzard’s real intentions are.